We're starting a new section, Blognews, that will talk about news related to this same blog, with one announcement we hope will not repeat in a future.
We're having some technical issues, so, we'll have to pospone our weekly activity during a while. But don't worry, as we'll be back about mid November with renewed energies!
We're having some technical issues, so, we'll have to pospone our weekly activity during a while. But don't worry, as we'll be back about mid November with renewed energies!

We also want to remind you that this blog is yours and for you, Spanish students. So, we want to encourage you to participate in a more active way of it, working on our proposals, posting your opinions, suggestions or reviews. We would like to improve with your opinion as far as it's on our hands and possible. You know you can use several means to contact us: through the comments of this same blog, in our Facebook page and in the Kotoba Miners' Spanish subforum.
We know that learning a language being a self-taught is a difficult path, and we hope this blog is being useful to your needs. We know there's a lot of work to develop and we're sure we'll get to a better standard with your help as the community grows. We've lots of ideas kept in a box willing to be opened!
Currently, we're focused in developing visual materials rather than ludic, so, our future plan includes improving the latter. Although we've gamified the blog a bit with our Easter egg (on hold, currently), we would like to introduce in a future more ludic elements, all with the purpouse of keeping up your motivation and keeping the process of learning more enjoyable.
If you like the content we're offering, give us your support by following us in Blogger, sharing our blog or the posts, "liking" our page in Facebook... There are lots of ways to help us keeping this up!
See you around after our vacation!

Currently, we're focused in developing visual materials rather than ludic, so, our future plan includes improving the latter. Although we've gamified the blog a bit with our Easter egg (on hold, currently), we would like to introduce in a future more ludic elements, all with the purpouse of keeping up your motivation and keeping the process of learning more enjoyable.
If you like the content we're offering, give us your support by following us in Blogger, sharing our blog or the posts, "liking" our page in Facebook... There are lots of ways to help us keeping this up!
See you around after our vacation!