In this post we share some news for this season. There are not as many as we thought there would be, but you know we're in a constant development.
We've renovated our Facebook page image. We believe now we're really transmitting our desire of building up an active communitty, with people like you, who are interested in the Spanish language. But never letting go the fun, trying to do so in a fun way and with a ludic component.
We're also renovating our blog and transfroming it, step by step, to become a web page, creating more outputs. And for the moment, we're removing our Easter Egg, although we want to leave the image down here.
If you're a Spanish teacher, we're also having some news for you. The Conferencia ELE 2018 has arrived! And we're participating in it with a presentation: Creación de infografías con PowerPoint.
It's a conference runed and hosted by Óscar Ortega, Paulino Brener y Ana Martínez, with the idea of creating "our conference", adressed to teachers and created by teachers.
In it there will be more than 20 speakers presenting about lots of interesting and varied topics related to teaching Spanish as a foreign language. It's a great oportunity to learn, share, educate and inspire one self, knowing and contacting other colleagues.
It takes place from the 22nd to the 29th of September, and if you subscribe before the starting date, you'll have access to all the presentations for free, although, for a limted time (48 hours), to the live panels and chats (informal chats).
The recordings will be available during the week of the conference, but if you want to see all the contents during a whole year after it takes place, you can acquire the Premium Pass.
We hope all this changes will help you and motivate you to continue following your path in the teaching or learning progress of the Spanish language.
We've renovated our Facebook page image. We believe now we're really transmitting our desire of building up an active communitty, with people like you, who are interested in the Spanish language. But never letting go the fun, trying to do so in a fun way and with a ludic component.
We're also renovating our blog and transfroming it, step by step, to become a web page, creating more outputs. And for the moment, we're removing our Easter Egg, although we want to leave the image down here.
If you're a Spanish teacher, we're also having some news for you. The Conferencia ELE 2018 has arrived! And we're participating in it with a presentation: Creación de infografías con PowerPoint.
It's a conference runed and hosted by Óscar Ortega, Paulino Brener y Ana Martínez, with the idea of creating "our conference", adressed to teachers and created by teachers.
In it there will be more than 20 speakers presenting about lots of interesting and varied topics related to teaching Spanish as a foreign language. It's a great oportunity to learn, share, educate and inspire one self, knowing and contacting other colleagues.
It takes place from the 22nd to the 29th of September, and if you subscribe before the starting date, you'll have access to all the presentations for free, although, for a limted time (48 hours), to the live panels and chats (informal chats).
The recordings will be available during the week of the conference, but if you want to see all the contents during a whole year after it takes place, you can acquire the Premium Pass.
We hope all this changes will help you and motivate you to continue following your path in the teaching or learning progress of the Spanish language.